Saffi’s seasonal sale! Feeling festive…

It’s (almost) Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiismaaaaaaaaasssss! 😉

And to celebrate, this aptly-titled yuletide thriller is FREE, yes, I said FREE on iTunes and Smashwords.

From SAFFINA DESFORGES, international best-selling author of Sugar & Spice, Anca’s Story and the Rose Red crime thriller series (Snow White, Rapunzel), comes ROSE RED RHYMES, a collection of crime thriller short stories featuring the Rose Red cast, based on traditional nursery rhymes. But be warned. These are NOT for children! Christmas comes but once a year, and no-one is more thankful than DCI Cass “Red” Rose. With no major cases on her desk on Christmas Eve morning it seems Red can finish her shift and go Christmas shopping like any normal person. But life is never straight-forward where Red is concerned. And when a police officer from her own station, dressed as Santa, has to be arrested in the toy store where Red is due to meet Grandma and Ruby, it seems to Red like she’s never off duty. And that’s before the drunks on the next floor start smashing the place up. Then there’s the small matter of staying up to welcome Santa’s little helpers. Fortunately she has some little elves of her own to lend a hand.

Grab it now!


Be merry! 😉


Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all our readers ~ from Saffina Desforges

Well, it’s been quite a year!


2012 saw the publication of our first print edition in France (Paraphilia – which we are lead to believe has FAR outweighed our expectations sales-wise. Come back in January to find out how it did) and marked the two year anniversary of Sugar & Spice.

We now have a total of FIVE full-length novels, (two of which are available in print direct from Amazon), two novellas, two short stories, two anthologies and four novellas written under a couple of other names available on all e-reading platforms.

Phew! And in-between that, we have found a little time to blog, tweet, fb, pinterest, stumble and even collaborate on a couple of e-publishing books written by others. Oh yeah, and sometimes we slept… 😉

“So, what are you gonna give us in 2013, Saffina?”

Ah, well, I thought you’d never ask! 😉

I am sooooooo excited about the projects we are working on for next year.

We will be releasing books three and four of the Rose Red crime thriller series. Beauty & the Beast will be out first quarter of 2013 and Little Red Riding Hood at the end of the year.

Coming early 2013

Coming early 2013

And just to make sure that you keep up with Red and the team, there’ll be some more Rose Red Rhyme shorts in between!

Speaking of Rose Red Rhymes, you readers have been sooooooo good this year, that we have a little pressie for you. Ring-A-Ring O’Roses is FREE for the next five days!

If you live in the UK, click here. 

RotW, here.

(also free on all other Amazon sites world-wide)

Just a little thank you for being so wonderful! 😉

Now, where was I? Oh yes, 2013. What else?

Well, the fabulous St. Mallory’s forever ! will be hitting your Kindles (other generic e-reading devices are available) in the New Year, so look out for it!

Aside from that our BIG release and a slight swerve away from our usual stuff, will be the first in our new DARK HALO (urban fantasy) trilogy: First Blood.

First Blood will change the way you think about vampires and angels, forever (and then some)…

There might even be time for a few other surprises along the way. Who knows?

Saffina Desforges, always entertaining. Never what you expect.

So all that remains is for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year, we hope to see you all back again in 2013!


Saffina Desforges : Sugar & Spice ~ now available in paperback direct from Amazon

Finally! It’s arrived!

And just in time for Christmas too…

The International best-seller, available for the first time EVER in print!

Buy 'Sugar & Spice' in print from Amazon now!

Buy ‘Sugar & Spice’ in print from Amazon now!

The perfect Christmas gift!


Whodunnit? Amazon and the mystery of the vanishing reviews

Here’s a thing: We made the mighty ‘Zon almost £15,000 in May of 2011 with sales for ‘Sugar & Spice’. We got next to nothing.

I wonder if I went to my boss at my day job and said, “I tell you what, I’m gonna work these four weeks for free. I don’t want paying. Well, I DO want paying, but I’ll give you 110% commitment and you just give me a third of my wages.OKAY?”


You’d think I was crazy, right? Yeah, so would he.

Hang on a minute, let’s add something else to the mix here: “I know, not only will I work those weeks (and every other week that comes after it) for 30% of what I’m worth, BUT, I also want you to discount all the great things that my peers, colleagues and customers say about me. Right? Forget them. Wipe them from your mind like they were never uttered in the first place. Are we on the same page here?”

I can see the grin splitting my boss’s face in half right now. I bet it’s not as wide as the smile on Amazon‘s face/packaging…


I wonder what our customers would say if I rang them up and the tele-con went like this:

Me: “Hi, how are you? Having a good day?”

Customer: “Yeah, great, thanks.”

Me: “Good. Listen, I’m really sorry to spoil it, but you know that 25 tonne of plastic compound you bought from us last month (bear with me here, we can’t all be stay-at-home-full-time-writers. Got bills to pay etc), well, I kinda want it back.”

Customer: “Sorry?”

Me: “Yeah, I know how it sounds, but my boss has decided that it doesn’t matter if you paid for it and then told everyone how great it was, you’re in the same industry as us, so your purchase doesn’t count.”

Customer: “I’m really confused.”

Me: “Yeah, me too. But hey, he’s the boss. So what he says, goes. We’re only the little people, right? Hope we can still be friends? Oh, and I almost forgot; I hope you didn’t get any of  give any of  your family and friends to buy that compound and let them use it either, ‘cos if you did, we’re gonna need that back too.”

Customer: “Right, I’m hanging up now. Please don’t be offended.”

Yup. Wouldn’t be in business for very much longer would we? (Oh, and my boss wouldn’t have his dangly bits for too long either!) 😉

But wait. Hang on, there’s more: What if a rival competitor of ours PAID some of his customers to take our compound and tell everyone how wonderful it was? Or, better still, what if we just pretended to be a customer and told everyone how brilliant our stuff was? Is that ok?

Apparently so.  Apparently, also, integrity and talent is no longer a pre-requisite for success. You’ve only got to watch X Factor to affirm that.

John Locke made millions from paying for people to review his books, and then, guess what? He wrote a book about it? (this should really be on my Banning the Bullshit blog) You can get it here if you really want to make a complete tw@t of yourself/take the piss out of the buying public and other species, like desperate writers

So, what is this rant about huh? Well, let me tell you.

On Friday afternoon, we had 263 reviews for ‘Sugar & Spice’, 45 for Snow White and ELEVEN five star reviews for Anca’s Story. I could go on.

Take a look now. It’s a mystery.

Whodidit? Who decided that because my sister bought, read and loved a book that I had spent two years writing and voiced her opinion and pride on Amazon for all the world to see, that she had a ‘financial connection’ with the author and her comments weren’t valid?

What about the other writers that I know who coughed up two quid of their hard-earned dosh and spent three or four hours that they will never get back reading my wares and felt inclined to pass judgement on it?

You know what? THEY. DON’T. MATTER.

Writers/minions – know your place.


You weren’t traditionally published and we can’t force you to set the price, so we don’t love you any more. In fact, we never did.

How do you know? (It’s not you, it’s me)

Well, if we’re gonna argue: You made a huge tech-error when our book was riding high in the charts and it disappeared for almost five weeks with NO explanation, but I wasn’t allowed to ask… I don’t want to drag up the past, but in case you forgot about your failures, you can read about it here. Oh, and then there was the day (days) when apparently, my book wasn’t selling. You know, despite the fact that it has sold roughly the same amount for the LAST TWO YEARS and then I saw this little pearler: ‘We apologise for the delay, but your sales figures are currently not updating.’

Huh? So, you could be making money on my book and I just have to take your word for it that the numbers are right? Hmm, I don’t think this relationship is working out. Do you?

One more thing: You can’t seem to pay me directly into my bank account for foreign currency, so after I have taken my share of the royalties, I’m gonna make sure that you get charged again for depositing a dollars cheque into a UK bank account. So there! Bam! Take that sucker!

I think we’re over.

But wait. No, please don’t call time on us. Surely we’re worth more than that? And anyway… I NEED you.

Nope. Not interested. Not listening. You’ve served your purpose. I can discard you like a rusty old bike wheel and not give you a second thought and don’t you DARE ask questions. Do you know who I am?

Everyone likes a good mystery (I mean, look at the ‘Zon’s bed-buddies, Blake and Crouch. Talk about sleeping with the enemy) but usually, the villain is caught.

This one, Clarice, has a different ending. The world is a much nicer place with you in it. But is doesn’t mean I won’t rock up for some dinner, washed down with a nice Chianti. fffffffffff…


Saffi (at your sevice) Desforges

Halloween Weekend Special Offer! FREE! Sugar & Spice: US edition

Happy (almost) Halloween everyone!

And for those of you in the UK, don’t forget that the clocks go back an hour tonight/tomorrow. We don’t want you rocking up at Tesco for your Sunday shop only to find that there’s only you there. Well, you, the guy who pushes his life around in a stolen trolley and the proverbial carrier bag being whipped up in a gnarly wind and scuttling across the car park, dancing and weaving… sorry, got carried away then. 😉

Anyho’ just stopped by to let you know that there was some free love being shared this weekend.

Yup, you can get the US/American edition of Sugar & Spice, here for nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilcho. For this weekend only. (unless you happen to be an Amazon Prime member, in which case, you can borrow it FREE, any time!)

And here (if you’re on dotcom)

Cool huh?

Have a great weekend!


  • Buy Sugar & Spice from Amazon

  • Buy the French edition of Sugar & Spice (Paraphilia)

  • Buy Snow White from Amazon

  • Buy Snow White in PRINT from Amazon

  • Buy Rapunzel from Amazon

  • Buy London’s Burning from Amazon

  • Buy Ring A-Ring O’Roses from Amazon

  • Buy The Night Before Christmas from Amazon

  • Buy Anca’s Story from Amazon

  • Buy Anca’s Story in PRINT from Amazon

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