Amanda Hocking: Sell out or saviour?

The British Literati awoke to the news this morning that Amanda Hocking – indie Queen of fantasy and all things e-book had signed a four book deal worth $2 million.

The 26 year-old has already made over $1 million from the sales of her nine ebooks, seven of which are in the Top 100 Paid on Amazon.

Fellow self-published authors around the world have already crowned the reluctant indie-icon  as their guru, but what will they make of this?

For as long as everyone can remember, self-publishing or vanity press, was considered as a route for writers who never quite made it. If you had to pay to publish a book, it was no good, right? W-rong!

The birth of Amazon’s Kindle, Sony‘s Nook,  and many other e-reader devices, changed the face of publishing irrevocably and Hocking was one of the BIG success stories.

Suddenly, writers had the power to publish what they wanted. No commission to agents, no spending years submitting to publishers and papering your study walls with rejection slips; the balance of power tipped very heavily in favour of the scribes.

No longer were the best seller charts dominated by the big names. For the past 2-3 years, indie authors have been creeping up stealth-like on the Pattersons’ and Kings’; silent assassins. (you only have to look at Sugar & Spice for proof of that!)

Hocking has never professed her allegiance to the indie crowd. She has always been proud of her success, but never once committed her future to remaining independent. She talks about that in this article.

So what will her fellow indies think now? What does her deal mean for the all-but-deceased future of DTP (Dead Tree Publishing)?

Just two days ago, it was being written off in a live chat by two top indie authors:

Only yesterday, the sound of indie authors shredding up traditional submissions and jamming up the air-waves calling their agents to dispense of their services could be heard across the globe, to be drowned out only by the clink of large Publishing House shackles hitting the floor as millions of long-imprisoned ink-slingers shrugged off their chains and sang together in a wondrous chorus of ‘Sisters (and brothers) are doing it for themselves’…

Well, Amanda, you’ve really gone and done it now…

Twitter, Facebook and Kindleboards all but crashed today with desperate indies clambering to find out what happened. Where was their Goddess now? Who did they have to hail as the leading light in everything independent? Would their agents’ believe that they had consumed too much wine last night and were just tired after battering their keyboards all day?

Had indie publishing just been delivered the sucker-punch that DTP’s had been sat waiting for?

Amanda (quite rightly) makes no apologies for accepting the deal. She simply justifies it by explaining that she just “wants to write” and I am with her there. As all indie authors know, we are not just writers. Our time is spent blogging, emailing, writing guest posts and generally selling our brand and our books, we actually get very little time to write. So no apologies/excuses necessary Ms. Hocking.

But where are we now?

Has Amanda sold out or has she just saved millions of wanna-be Jones’, Lockes’ or Konraths’ from believing that they can churn out any old story, stick it on Kindle and become an over-night millionaire?

Time will tell. We are writers, if you cut us open, words spill out, not blood.

Amanda is laughing all the way to the bank of Trylle and you can bet the bottom of that pile of dollars, that her blood approves.


Rumbled on Rose Red


Talk about being ‘outed’ before I was ready! 😉

All writers talk about ‘the characters in their heads’, ‘the voices’, them  ‘telling their own stories’….

I bet what they don’t get however, is them hacking into your email accounts, hijacking your blog posts and setting themselves up with Twitter and Facebook accounts!

I mean, I know it’s the Twenty First Century, but come on!

I was merrily going about my work, checking in with my co-author Mark Williams and his blog and catching up on emails after work etc, when I found this:

Ella Crichton – you are busted! 😉

If you really want to hear all about Rose Red Crime Series and get this inside goss’ before the first book, Snow White comes out, then you can find Ella here:



Red Nose Day/Comic relief donation

Hi folks!

It’s that day of the year again in the UK. People have been raising money all week (and all year-round in some cases) for this worthy cause.

Chris Moyles and the Radio One team have broken a world record by broadcasting live for over 52 hours and raised over a million pounds!

Scott Mills took part in the desert trek and lots of other celebs have given up their time to raise money for Comic Relief.

Personally, I helped collect over £120 at work today and shaved the FD’s beard off! That was fun! Do you really give a girl who writes about crime and serial killers for a living a cut-throat razor?! 😉

Anyway, we want to do our bit. So, here’s our pledge:

For every book sale of Sugar & Spice between the hours of 19.00 – 00.00 on Friday 18th March 2011 in the UK, we will donate 10p to Comic Relief. I have started a thread on the Amazon Kindle forum, the link is here:

All I ask, is that when you have purchased the book, you pop into the thread and leave me a message telling me that you have done so  (Just once). I will then add the messages up at midnight and donate 10p for every message. I will post confirmation of the donation here on the blog the next day. Simples!

So tell your friends, share it on Facebook and Twitter and buy the book now! You are not only getting a great read, but you are doing your bit for Red Nose Day!

Get it now:

Thank you.

Watch out, Stephen Leather!

Sugar & Spice has been riding high this week on Amazon UK and received more excellent feedback.

It now sits at #4 in the thriller chart. All that stands between it and that coveted #1 spot are 3 books by a certain Mr. Stephen Leather. With an evil grin and a maniacal chuckle, I warned Stephen on Facebook the that we were on his tail. MWUHAHA. 😉

Seriously though folks, a BIG shout out to everyone who has bought it and commented!

It is in the Top 20 in Kindle Paid Store and guess who else stands in the way of THAT #1 slot? 😉

Look out for the new cover – coming soon!

Get it now!:

You don’t even need a Kindle or an e-reader to read it.

Download Kindle for PC for FREE, here: (you can get the app FREE too for your iphone, ipad or Mac from iTunes).

Sugar & Spice riding high!

So, I woke up to these chart positions this morning!

#11 in Thrillers on Amazon UK, #2 in Serial Killers, #2 in Sociology and #38 in Top 100 Amazon Kindle Paid store!

Oh and Sugar & Spice was the 3rd highest ‘mover and shaker’ on with a leap of 392%. *grin*

Get it now for ONLY £0.71/$0.99!


  • Buy Sugar & Spice from Amazon

  • Buy the French edition of Sugar & Spice (Paraphilia)

  • Buy Snow White from Amazon

  • Buy Snow White in PRINT from Amazon

  • Buy Rapunzel from Amazon

  • Buy London’s Burning from Amazon

  • Buy Ring A-Ring O’Roses from Amazon

  • Buy The Night Before Christmas from Amazon

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