Saffi’s end of summer sale extravaganza #5

Well, despite giving away over 10,000 books FREE this month already to you lucky readers, we have just one more little present for you…

This one takes the biscuit, it really does.

Not ONLY will it cost you absolutely nowt and you won’t even have to move off your sofa to get it, it is actually 4 books in 1!


Jees! What more do you want? Blood?

Actually, there’s that too – plenty in fact.

Grab this box set containing the first two novels of the ROSE RED crime thriller series AND two ROSE RED RHYMES series-related shorts.



Phew! I’m off for a holiday. A well-earned break after giving away so many books.

Not that I will have any money to pay for it now! 😉

Enjoy. Oh and tell your friends.


Vive la France! Sugar & Spice/Paraphilia goes European

Not many things shut me up.

In fact, it’s pretty hard to recall a time when I was ever lost for words (well, coherent words anyway).

I guess I’ve had a couple of jaw-dropping moments over the last two years; like when we first started out on this insane writer/publisher-thingy journey and we hit treble figures for the first time on Amazon (in a month) and when we saw our first five star review, or the Sunday we sat watching KDP and hitting refresh every five seconds to see our digital book sales for ONE DAY creep up to 857 in 24 hours.

Yeah, there’s been a few, but the whole ‘I guess I’m a real writer now’ realisation kinda crept up on me gradually, so much so, that it didn’t happen over night. I just morphed into it.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s been many a time over the last twenty four months when I have had to pinch myself and shake the craziness outta my skull because not in my wildest dreams did I envisage the bumper-car ride that we have been on, but press and blog interviews, celebrity followers on twitter and seeing our book in the Sunday magazine charts kinda became part of every day life after a while. Awesome, but I sort of got used to it; gradually.

Until yesterday.

When I saw this:


That really was a sucker-punch (in the nicest possible way of course) moment.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I knew it was coming, but all the same, seeing our book up there, for pre-order, in all its glory, really did finally smash the ball out of the park.

I guess it’ll be a pretty similar experience when I hold the hardback in my hands for the very first time at the end of this month.

A real book.

A proper, printed, shiny, glossy (wiv pages and words and everyfink) goddang book!

Wow! 🙂

It’s an amazing (and totally surreal) feeling and one that I know, I will never tire of. I still feel like it is happening to someone else every time I see our books out there.

What has amazed (and delighted) me about this whole publication process with the fabulous MA Editions, is their professionalism. I have read more horror stories about ‘traditional publishers’ than I have read Dean Koontz books and that is going some, believe me! Unfathomable contracts with hidden pitfalls at every turn, unpaid or pitiful advances, lack of control over editing or covers and the interminable wait from contract to publication.

Uh-huh. No way, No siree, not on my watch. Didn’t happen.

It’s been a breeze and a pleasure and has restored my faith in publishing (well, French publishing at any rate).

Simple, clear contract signed in a matter of days.

More than respectable advance paid just as quickly, with favourable royalties agreed.

Efficient, swift and friendly translation services.

Regular contact.

Title and cover design a JOINT process and, the best bit:

Slightly shy of seven months from contract to print.

MA have organised everything from a whistle-stop promotional tour of Paris and Brussels, press interviews, blog videos and marketing, plus additional deals with other outlets. Advance review copies and digital pre-orders? Check.

They’ve done the lot. Absolutely can’t fault it.

But do you know what the best bit is? They TRUST in the book and in US. They DARED to believe in it. They took a chance. They are not scared to take that step. Oh and they’re European!

If I had a pound/dollar/Euro for every rejection email/letter that we have had in the last two years for Sugar & Spice that said something similar to this:

We LOVED this book, loved the pace, the short chapters, the characters. Read it in one whole sitting, was gripped from the start, appauled by its content blah, blah,blah, BUT, we’re sorry, we do not feel it is right for our ********** imprint at this time. I know we are going to be kicking ourselves and the sales figures they have achieved on their own are astounding, BUT…

I would be able to retire right now and write at my leisure.

MA Editions have seen past the controversy, the stigma attached to the books content (hell, they even used it to their advantage in the title!) and opted to let the reader decide.

What more, as writers could we ask for? After all, that’s what happened 18 months and 155,000 sales ago when we put it on Amazon.

Paraphilia is available for pre-order (released digitally on 6th June 2012) here. Of course, it would help if you can read French! 😉

We are thrilled to be on this journey with our publisher and eternally grateful to them for taking us this far.

Who knows what will happen in the future? I mean, so many of my dreams about writing a successful book have already come true, so I guess I have used all my wishes up. Right? 😉


PS. I will be blogging about my time in Paris & Brussels in the first week of June. Look out for ‘Lost in France’, coming soon!

Sugar & Spice hits Number two spot on Waterstone’s chart

They say you shouldn’t brag about your achievements on your blog, or talk about your own books.

Yeah? They also said that the world was flat and that Father Christmas doesn’t exist! They’re not right all of the time you know! 😉

Well, I’m sorry, but I have never been one for doing as I’m told!

This morning, 10 months after its proper release and after hitting number two in the Amazon UK Kindle paid charts twice and staying in the top 100 for almost 5 months (plus achieving over 130 five star reviews) Sugar & Spice hit the number two spot in Waterstones ebook chart.

Ok, great! That’s nice. But let’s put this thing into perspective:

  • We were told it was too controversial for the British market and that it wouldn’t sell (we just reached 100,000 copies sold since Christmas)
  • We were told it was too long (possibly)
  • We are STILL the ONLY true indie authors to have NEVER been traditionally published and reached the number two spot on Amazon.
  • We are THE biggest selling indie authors in the country with one title
  • We have no agent
  • We have no publisher
  • ‘The Sense of an ending’ by Julian Barnes won the Man Booker prize two days ago and we are still the most searched for on Waterstones
  • We did ALL of this ourselves
So forgive me for blowing our own horn, we’re kinda pleased with ourselves! 😉
Oh, and Snow White is currently at #14 in the very same chart! 😉
Have a good weekend, we will!

J.K. Rowling goes indie and announces Potter(is no)more

So, you heard it on my co-author’s blog back in April  and now the lady herself has confirmed it.

She’s going indie!

Not only has she by-passed the big digital publishers with a move that Harry himself would be proud of in a Quidditch game, but she is also releasing some previously un-read back story.

So whilst the big players in the ebook publishing industry, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple etc, flap around, jumping through glowing hoops, wondering what effect the whole thing will have, J.K has just caught herself a great big, fat golden snitch.

Sony didn’t do too shabbily either. The move means that the books will be DRM free and available to read on any device. Ouch! That’s gotta sting worse than being hit by a bludger and will certainly send shock waves through and already muggled industry.

Oh, and one more thing – there really is no Potter no more!

So what does all this mean? Who knows? Konrath shares his views here:

I guess, on the whole, it is good news for writers and not so great news for publishers. If they weren’t reaching for the proverbial button before, they will be now. Wondering who will be next?

But what does it mean for us indies? Well, I’m not sure? It can only be a good thing that millions of people and kids will now be rushing out /harassing their parents to buy e-readers in all shapes and sizes and thus drive more people who weren’t quite ready to make the digi-leap yet to buy other  books online, but what else?

Will the massive authors with huge backlists not yet available electronically rush out and create their own sites and start selling?

I honestly don’t think anyone knows for sure, but one thing is for certain.

The digital revolution (the publisher’s Voldemort) is here and it is happening faster than anyone predicted (apart from us – ahem).

and this time,  not even Harry and his pals can stop it.

Personally, I can’t wait to visit the Pottermore site and re-live some of that magic and yet again, JK has led the way and proven her talents as a business woman as well as a writer.



I’m also quite sad that there won’t be another book.

But, I won’t dwell on it too long. Hell, I might even don my invisibility cloak and start writing YA Fantasy fiction.

Afterall, there is going to be one huge JK shaped hole to fill in the market in the not-too-distant future. 😉

Sugar & Spice now on Waterstones

We are pleased to announce that Sugar & Spice is now available on Waterstones as an ebook for all other e-reading devices other than Kindle.

Get it now:


  • Buy Sugar & Spice from Amazon

  • Buy the French edition of Sugar & Spice (Paraphilia)

  • Buy Snow White from Amazon

  • Buy Snow White in PRINT from Amazon

  • Buy Rapunzel from Amazon

  • Buy London’s Burning from Amazon

  • Buy Ring A-Ring O’Roses from Amazon

  • Buy The Night Before Christmas from Amazon

  • Buy Anca’s Story from Amazon

  • Buy Anca’s Story in PRINT from Amazon

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